At her independent office, Maria accepts cash, HSA debit/credit cards, and can provide treatment codes submit to insurance for possible reimbursement.


What is FMS? FMS stands for Functional Movement Screen and is great add on to your strength program. The Functional Movement Screen tests seven fundamental movement patterns that are key to identifying your functional movement quality. The process provides a reliable baseline for actionable and effective steps to improve your performance and recovery.

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What is the SFMA? SFMA stands for Selective Functional Movement Assessment, and it is a comprehensive assessment in which breaks movement into 7 key movement patterns. If a movement pattern is determined not ideal, it is broken down to determine why this movement has been compromised.

Who is a SFMA good for? Anyone who may be experiencing pain with certain movements. The assessment does not include treatment, but it used to determine which treatments would be most beneficial .


Breathing dysfunction is associated with musculoskeletal problems and is present in approximately 60% of the healthy and active adult population. It can contribute to movement dysfunction, impaired motor control, and decrease pain thresholds. An assessment identifies breathing dysfunction and makes correctives so you can restore normal and effective breathing patterns.




  • Athens personal fitness

  • Crossfit liberate

You go to the dentist TWICE a year for prevention and tooth health, have you considered visiting your physical therapist for a check-up to prevent future musculoskeletal pain? When a joint is moving significantly different than the other joint or not with a functional and healthy range, this can be from a true range of motion dysfunction or it can be from not have the control or strength.

For example, do you have pain but only while doing high level activities? If you don’t have pain in every day life, find me at D1 Athens, Athen’s Personal Fitness, and CrossFit Liberate. Let’s figure it out and get it addressed before it becomes a problem. 


What is dry needling? It is the use of a “dry” needle, without medication or injection, inserted through the skin into areas of muscle.

How is it different than acupuncture? Acupuncture points are determined by meridians and are areas that are thought to have areas of locked up chi or natural energy. The only commonality between the two is the tool as dry needling is specific to the neuromuscular system (not energetic system).

How does this help me? Dry needling can help you recover from your hard workout, restore length in your muscles, and restore muscle function after an injury. Repeated dry needling can increase capillarity of tissue, for example, more blood flow, increase healing, recovery, and decrease pain, in short, get rad more often.


What is mobility? It is not just being “flexible.” Mobility is having the sufficient range of motion AND control and stability in a joint. For example: Did you know you can start to lack “flexibility” as the body’s protective mechanism.

Can you touch your toes? If not, this doesn’t always mean you have tight hamstrings. Your body adapts to protect it from injury if it is weak in another area or lacking motion in another area. The possibilities are endless. Ultimately, working on mobility means you have control over full range of motion in your joints.